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Algunas cosas que debes saber sobre el embarazo, el parto, y la llegado de ese ser tan esperado; tu bebé.
Surrogacy for Foreigners in Colombia
A legal and hopeful option

In the wonderful journey towards parenthood, some couples may face unique challenges that require innovative solutions. For those seeking alternatives such as surrogacy, Colombia has emerged as a legal and welcoming destination.

Why is it legal in Colombia?
Surrogacy in Colombia has become a legal option thanks to a comprehensive and progressive regulatory framework. Colombian laws allow for surrogacy under certain conditions, with the purpose of guaranteeing the rights of both prospective parents and surrogate mothers. It's important to note that in Colombia, surrogacy is altruistic, meaning the surrogate mother doesn't receive monetary compensation beyond pregnancy-related expenses.

Why choose Colombia?
For many foreign couples, Colombia represents a unique and hopeful opportunity on their journey towards parenthood. Here, they find a legal environment that provides them with security and protection throughout the process. Additionally, Colombia has an established reputation in the medical field, with highly trained professionals and specialized clinics in reproductive medicine. This provides a level of confidence and tranquility that is essential at such a significant moment in a family's life.

Capture the Most Precious Moments!
Amidst this exciting journey towards motherhood and fatherhood, there's nothing more valuable than capturing each special moment. As a photographer specializing in newborns, I'm here to help preserve those magical moments for a lifetime. From the early days of life to moments of laughter and tenderness, I'll be delighted to be part of your story and capture the beauty of these unique moments.

Feel free to contact me to book a photo session celebrating the love and joy of your new family.
Por Mayuri Guzmán
Espero que hayas disfrutado la lectura de este artículo tanto como yo disfrute al escribirlo.

Soy Mamá, esposa, fotógrafa, emprendedora y coach de vida. Con más de 20 años de experiencia como fotógrafa cautivada por lo más tierno y hermoso de la fotografía, donde me he especializado en la maternidad y cada etapa del bebé y su familia. Mi trabajo ha venido evolucionando año tras año y he tenido el privilegio de ver crecer tanto a los bebés como a sus familias registrando y creando experiencias únicas e inovidables aportando amor y dedicación a sus vidas con mi trabajo.

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